Deep Amba Haldar Pickle 700gms

About The product  Indian pickles like Amba Haldar Pickle are made with mangoes, flavors, and a combination of different flavors. It is a hot, sour, and tart fixing that is used to give a variety of foods flavor and punch. Unrefined mangoes are chopped into tiny pieces, covered in salt,...

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About The product 

Indian pickles like Amba Haldar Pickle are made with mangoes, flavors, and a combination of different flavors. It is a hot, sour, and tart fixing that is used to give a variety of foods flavor and punch. Unrefined mangoes are chopped into tiny pieces, covered in salt, and then mixed with a mixture of flavors, including mustard seeds, turmeric, red stew powder, and other flavors. After that, the mixture is allowed to develop for two to three days so that the flavors can develop. Amba Haldar Pickle is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine and is typically served as a side dish or to flavor curries, rice, and other dishes.

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