Kodri 2Lbs
About The Product
Kodri, otherwise called varagu or kodo millet, is a kind of old oat grain that is grown in India and different regions of the planet. It is a little, round grain that tastes nutty and is sans gluten, making it a well-known option in contrast to wheat and other grains for people who have gluten bigotry.
Kodri is exceptionally nutritious and is a decent wellspring of fiber, protein, and fundamental minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. It is likewise low in glycemic index, and that implies it discharges glucose gradually into the circulatory system, making it a phenomenal decision for individuals with diabetes or people who are attempting to deal with their glucose levels.
Kodri can be cooked in different ways, like bubbling, broiling, or baking. It very well may be utilized in dishes like porridge, pilaf, or mixed greens. It is additionally used to make flour, which can be utilized to make chapatis or rotis.
Kodri is viewed as an eco-accommodating yield since it requires less water and contributions than other oat grains like wheat or rice. It has a strong yield and can endure the dry season and other cruel weather patterns.