Peanuts 400gms

About the product : Peanuts, generally called groundnuts or goobers, are a popular vegetable and oilseed crop comprehensively consumed all around the planet. No matter what their name, peanuts are misleading nuts; they have a spot with the vegetable family, close by beans, lentils, and peas. Peanuts are naturally named...

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About the product :

Peanuts, generally called groundnuts or goobers, are a popular vegetable and oilseed crop comprehensively consumed all around the planet. No matter what their name, peanuts are misleading nuts; they have a spot with the vegetable family, close by beans, lentils, and peas. Peanuts are naturally named Arachis hypogaea.

Peanuts foster underground, attached to the hidden groundworks of the nut plant. The plant makes yellow blooms that bend towards the ground, and the framing pods form into the soil to shape the peanuts.

Peanuts are a rich wellspring of protein, strong fats, supplements, minerals, and cell fortifications. They are particularly known for their high blissful of monounsaturated fats, which are valuable for heart prosperity. Peanuts furthermore contain key enhancements like niacin, folate, vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus.


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